What does it do?

We use multiple products for mid face and cheek correction depending on age and volume loss. Fillers in this are work to lift, build back volume, and correct the sagging related to mid face volume loss. The products we use are more sturdy and substantial to hold up these areas. 

What are the benefits?

With the right type and amount of filler we can help you get full correction of the mid face and cheeks. These products and correction of this area lifts the loose migrated areas which reduces jowls, smile lines, and tightens the skin in these areas. There is a varied range for length of correction that can be obtained from these fillers from 1year to 5years depending on the product. But, typically you do not require the same amount of product on follow up visits to create the same effect. This is one of our favorite areas to correct due to the added benefits of overall correction. 

What is the down time with this procedure?

There are no restrictions after this procedure. It takes only minutes and there are in the office to perform the procedure, however we do numb the area which can take 20-30 minutes. Typical you have mild swelling in the cheeks and injected areas, but it is usually minimal. Bruising is typically more common, but can be covered with routine makeup if any occurs. We also have options to help reduce these concerns. If are interested in these products let us know and we can tell you about the at your visit. 

Who can get this procedure?

Practically anyone can get this procedure. We do this procedure routinely and can let you know which fillers would work best for you at your consultation. 

How to get started?

Call us today for a free consult and we can do the procedure the same day if you would like!


