Hormone deficiencies in men and women have direct relationships with a number of chronic conditions including fatigue, sleep disorders, mood swings, memory, osteoporosis, and sexual dysfunction to name a few. Bio-identical hormones have distinct advantages over their synthetic and non-bio-identical counterparts to help relieve these and other symptoms. They have helped many men and women maintain healthier, happier lives.

 Hormone Replacement for Improved Health and Quality of Life:

Data supports that hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants is the most effective and the most bio-identical method to deliver hormones in both men and women. Implants, placed under the skin, consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones providing optimal therapy.


What are Pellets? 

Pellets are made up of either estradiol or testosterone. The hormones are pressed or fused into very small solid cylinders. These pellets are larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a ‘Tic Tac'. In the United States, the majority of pellets are made by compounding pharmacists and delivered in sterile glass vials. There is a 'FDA approved' 75 mg testosterone pellet. 

Why pellets? 

Pellets deliver consistent, healthy levels of hormones for 3-5 months in women and 4-6 months in men. They avoid the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels seen with every other method of delivery. Estrogen delivered by subcutaneous pellets, maintains the normal ratio of estradiol to estrone. This is important for optimal health and disease prevention. Pellets do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional or synthetic hormone replacement therapy.